Over the years we have helped thousands of students from all around the world achieve their dream of studying at a top-ranked university. Our successes are based on simple but effective principles:
Why study at the Abbey DLD Group of Colleges?
We prepare students for success at university and beyond by helping them to develop into mature, independent, and curious learners in and out of the classrooms.
We offer a wider range of after-school and weekend clubs and activities, many of which are inclusive of tuition fees.
Our three colleges work together, collaborate and share ideas to adopt best practice and benefit all of our students.
Each of our colleges a re diverse academic communities bound together by shared ambition and experience.
Every year, we welcome students from around the world to study alongside British students. We respect and celebrate different cultures, whilst also helping our students to integrate in and understand British culture and values.
Our academic successes are founded on strong relationships. Students are on first name terms with their teachers, we have a dress code rather than a strict uniform. We encourage discussion, debate and questioning both in and out of class, and we do all this whilst maintaining a culture of focus, ambition and respect.
Our teachers work closely with each student to create individual learning plans that achieve their academic and personal goals. Small class teaching means our students receive high-quality bespoke teaching in every lesson, whilst regular academic check-ins ensure that all students are on track in their studies, with extra support available if needed.
We offer a wide range of course and subject options, ensuring students find the right course to achieve their academic goals. We offer year 9, GCSE, A Level, IFP, BTEC and Pre-Sessional programmes for students aged 13 – 21 years.
Each student has access to a dedicated personal tutor who will help to guide them through the rigours of college life. Tutors also provide regular updates on academic progress to parents and guardians
We take pride that many of our students progress onto top ranking universities in the UK and overseas and have dedicated University Tutors are on hand to guide students through the application process.
We recognise that good grades alone are not enough to get into the most competitive universities, so we offer specialist preparation programmes to help students stand out as exceptional candidates and maximise their chances of success.
We support our students to take-part in extra-curricular competitions and challenges such as the British Mathematical Challenge, Cambridge Chemistry Challenge, and ISA National Art Competition. Participation enables students to showcase their skills and knowledge outside of the curriculum.
Our students are perfectly placed to take advantage of living in a great university city. We organise regular trips and visits to the departments and facilities of world-leading institutions such as UCL, University of Manchester, and Cambridge University, allowing our students to soak up the academic atmosphere and prepare for their future studies.
In boarding, comfort and safety are the priorities. We have invested heavily to provide our students with some of the best quality accommodation found anywhere in the UK.
Live in-house parents provide 24/7 pastoral support and care, making sure that students are safe and supported, making friends, and keeping on track with their studies.
يبدأ نجاح الجامعة بتوجيه ممتاز. تقدم كل كلية من كلياتنا دعما مخصصا قبل وأثناء عملية التقديم:
نصيحة UCAS ، والمساعدة في أوراق التقديم ، والتحضير لاختبارات القبول بالجامعة والمساعدة المتخصصة في الطلبات المقدمة إلى أكسفورد وكامبريدج وكليات الطب وطب الأسنان. نحن نتطلع أيضا إلى ما هو أبعد من الجامعة لمساعدتك في الخبرة العملية والمشورة المهنية.
Abbey Study Skills Programmes:
Each College offers a specific programme to help students develop skills that are essential to success in university: critical thinking, independent learning, using and quoting research articles etc.
برامج ما قبل الجامعة لدينا هي:
بسبب المنافسة الشديدة على الأماكن ، إذا كنت ترغب في التقدم إلى أفضل الجامعات ، وخاصة أكسفورد أو كامبريدج ، فقد لا يكون نجاح المستوى وحده كافيا. هذا هو السبب في أننا نقدم للطلاب دعما مكثفا لإجراء اختبارات إضافية وبرامج أوسع مصممة لمساعدة أولئك الذين يهدفون إلى أعلى مستوى.
بالإضافة إلى التعليم ، تشمل خدمتنا المساعدة العملية في التأشيرات والبرامج الاجتماعية لمساعدتك في تكوين صداقات ورعاية 24/7 من خلال الآباء في المنزل والممرضات في الموقع.
After you have completed your enrolment, we provide you with everything you need to prepare for your new life in the UK. Our Pre Arrival information pack contains everything you need to know before joining us:
عند الوصول:
التعريف بالكلية
يحضر طلابنا برنامجا على مدار عدد من الأيام في الأسبوع قبل بدء الدروس في التجول في الكلية ، ومقابلة الموظفين الرئيسيين ، والتسجيل رسميا وتلقي جداولهم الزمنية.
سوف تقابل معلمك الشخصي أسبوعيا. سيقوم هو أو هي بمراقبة تقدمك الأكاديمي وحضورك ، بالإضافة إلى التعامل مع أي قضايا تتعلق بالرفاهية.
نحن نراقب الحضور من خلال التسجيل في بداية كل درس. نحن نركز تماما على ضمان حصولك على بيئة متجاوبة وداعمة للتعلم.
نحن نزود أولياء الأمور بتقارير منتظمة حول مجالات مثل الإنجاز العام والموقف وأي مخاوف. نحن نشجع الآباء على الحفاظ على اتصال وثيق مع المعلمين الشخصيين وفريقنا الرعوي لمناقشة أي جانب من جوانب تقدم أطفالهم معنا. نتواصل أيضا عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو الرسائل النصية مع أولياء الأمور فيما يتعلق بالأمور العاجلة ، مثل الغياب غير المتوقع أو المرض.