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Online events for Autumn 2024. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Thursday 23rd January 2025, 9am GMT
DLD College London Virtual Open Morning
Hear our new Principal, James Kidd introduce DLD College London, his ethos and vision for the school. James will be joined by Vice Principal (Academic), Dr Sarah Watson, Vice Principal (Pastoral) Gareth Evans and Head of Boarding, Emma Finnerty. They will be providing an overview of their areas and answering your questions.
格林尼治标准时间 2024 年 1 月 17 日星期三上午 10 点
有意申请就读英国学校的 13-19 岁国际学生。
- 什么是英国教育体系?
- 什么是关键阶段?
- 不同类型学校之间的主要区别是什么?
- 向国际学生开放的不同课程
- 英国学年如何运作?
- 典型学生的每周课程表
- 提供的学术和个人支持
- 学校如何帮助学生升入大学
- 寄宿学校如何运作?
Wednesday 21st February 2024, 10.30am GMT
Introduction to Year 9 Studies at DLD College London
请与我们的副校长(学术)萨拉-沃森博士(Dr. Sarah Watson)一起了解我们的九年级先锋课程。
这个独特的课程提供了传统与非传统的混合课程,让学生在学习语法和代数的同时,还能了解 NFT 和加密货币等主题。
12-13 岁学生的学生和家长,他们正在伦敦寻找一所新学校就读 9 年级及以后的课程。
Tuesday 27th February 2024, 10am GMT
Abbey College Manchester Virtual Open Morning and Student Q&A
Thursday 21st March 2024, 10am GMT
How to get a place at Oxbridge: Preparation for International Students
申请牛津大学或剑桥大学(统称 "牛津剑桥")是一个竞争非常激烈的过程,学生需要的不仅仅是优秀的 A Level 成绩。
• What is Oxbridge and why would you want to study there?
• What are the key differences between the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge?
• How do I choose the right university, college, and course?
• What are the main Oxbridge application steps?
• What does Oxbridge look for in a candidate?
• What preparation should I be doing now?
• How does the Abbey DLD Group of Colleges help international students to apply to Oxbridge?
Thursday 28th March 2024, 10am GMT
An Introduction to UCAS & University Applications
大多数英国大学的申请都是通过英国大学及院校招生服务中心 (UCAS) 进行的。在本次网络研讨会上,我们将概述英国大学的申请流程,并为有志进入英国顶尖大学学习的国际学生提供见解和建议。
Wednesday 17th April 2024, 10am BST
An Introduction to the International Foundation Programme
IFP 是一个密集的 13 年级课程,通常在一年内完成,可升入众多英国顶尖大学。
在本节课中,我们将进一步了解该课程,并回答以下问题:谁可以学习该课程?可以学习哪些科目?该课程与 A-Level 有何不同?
Wednesday 5th June 2024, 10am BST
Abbey College Manchester Virtual Open Morning and Student Q&A
Friday 28th June 2024, 10am BST
Preparation for Medicine at Abbey College Cambridge
Abbey College Cambridge has a proud track record of helping students progress to medical school. The College has a 90%+ medicine application success rate, and in 2022, 2023, and 2024 our students secured multiple medical school offers.
In this webinar, Abbey College Cambridge’s Head of Medicine Sephora Day will introduce you to the Medicine Preparation Programme; a special two-year programme designed to ensure that international students are prepared in every aspect required to succeed on this most competitive of university courses.
This will be an invaluable webinar for any students planning to study medicine at university. The session will provide lots of tips and advice for prospective medics, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session.
Thursday 31st October 2024, 9am GMT
DLD College London Virtual Tour
Join us for a tour of our state-of-the-art teaching facilities on London’s Southbank led by our Head of Admissions, Janay Morrison.
Wednesday 6th November, 10am GMT
Abbey College Cambridge Virtual Open Morning
Wednesday 27th November 2024, 10am GMT.
Abbey College Manchester Virtual Open Morning and Student Q&A
An online open morning live from Abbey College Manchester with the Principal and representatives from the Student Council. This session will give an overview of life at the college and an insight into what makes us an outstanding Independent Sixth Form College for students from the UK and around the world. We will host a live Q&A session with teachers and students at the end of the webinar.
Thursday 28th November 2024, 10am GMT
Abbey College Cambridge Virtual Tour
Join us for a live virtual tour of the campus at Abbey College Cambridge. This will include the teaching and boarding facilities. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.