Abbey DLD Students conducting pratical experiment in science lab

Join us in September 2025

Join our group of leading international colleges based in Cambridge, London and Manchester in September 2025. We offer high-quality Year 9, GCSE, A-Level, BTEC, and International Foundation Programmes along with academic preparation and pre-sessional preparation programmes.

We are fee-paying independent British boarding schools offering a range of high-quality academic programmes and boarding rooms for students from around the world aged 13-21 years. Enquire now to receive more information about studying with us in September 2025 and to speak to one of our International Admissions Advisors.


September 2025 Courses and Subjects Available

We offer a wide range of academic programmes for students aged from 13 – 21 years.

Courses Available

学术准备计划 1 – 3 Terms 12 – 16 Years

13 – 15 years


伦敦 DLD 学院

GCSE, A-Level, International Foundation Programme
九年级 1 年 12 – 13 years

13 Years


伦敦 DLD 学院

GCSE Year 10
普通中等教育证书 1 – 2 Years 14 – 16 Years 剑桥大学阿贝学院

伦敦 DLD 学院


A-Level, International Foundation Programme, BTEC
A 级 2 年 16 – 20 Years 剑桥大学阿贝学院

伦敦 DLD 学院


Undergraduate Course at University
国际预科课程 1 –  2* Years 17 – 21 Years 剑桥大学阿贝学院

伦敦 DLD 学院


Undergraduate Course at University
BTEC 1 – 2 Years 16 – 19 Years 伦敦 DLD 学院 Undergraduate Course at University

* 2 Year International Foundation Programme is only available at Abbey College Manchester.


Year 9 Subjects Available

课程 剑桥阿贝学院 伦敦 DLD 学院
艺术与设计 Y
生物学 Y Y
商业研究 Y Y
化学 Y Y
计算机科学 Y Y
经济学 Y Y
英语/雅思 Y Y
英国文学 Y
地理 Y Y
历史 Y Y
数学 Y
Physical Education Y
物理学 Y Y
心理学 Y
社会学 Y
Urban School Project Y

2 Year GCSE Subjects Available

课程 剑桥阿贝学院 伦敦 DLD 学院 曼彻斯特修道院学院
Art & Design/Art Y Y Y
生物学 Y Y Y
Business Studies/Business Enterprise BTEC Y Y Y
化学 Y Y Y
经济学 Y Y
英语/雅思 Y Y Y
英国文学 Y
电子竞技 BTEC Y
地理 Y Y
电影研究 Y
法语 Y
历史 Y Y
进阶数学 Y
数学 Y Y Y
摄影 Y
物理学 Y Y Y
表演艺术 BTEC Y
运动科学 Y
宗教研究 Y

Certain GCSE subjects are compulsory. These subjects may vary by college, but all GCSE courses include compulsory GCSE Mathematics and GCSE English Language. DLD College London offers students the following optional BTEC Awards as part of its Two Year GCSE programme: Esports, Performing Arts, and Sport.

1 Year GCSE Subjects Available

课程 剑桥阿贝学院 伦敦 DLD 学院 曼彻斯特修道院学院
Art & Design/Art Y Y
生物学 Y Y Y
商业研究 Y Y Y
化学 Y Y Y
经济学 Y Y
英语/雅思 Y Y Y
英国文学 Y
法语 Y
进阶数学 Y
数学 Y Y Y
摄影 Y
物理学 Y Y Y
宗教研究 Y

A-Level Subjects Available

课程 剑桥阿贝学院 伦敦 DLD 学院 曼彻斯特修道院学院
会计 Y Y
艺术与设计 Y Y Y
生物学 Y Y Y
商业研究 Y Y Y
化学 Y Y Y
计算机科学 Y Y
戏剧与戏剧研究 Y
经济学 Y Y Y
英语 Y
英国文学 Y Y
环境科学 Y
电影研究 Y
进阶数学 Y Y Y
地理 Y Y
政府与政治 Y Y
图形交流 Y
历史 Y Y
数学 Y Y Y
媒体研究 Y
现代外语 Y
摄影 Y Y
物理学 Y Y Y
心理学 Y Y Y
宗教研究 Y
社会学 Y
纺织品 Y


课程 剑桥阿贝学院 伦敦 DLD 学院 曼彻斯特修道院学院
高等数学与经济学 Y
艺术与设计 Y
生物医学 Y
商业与经济 Y Y
商业与数学 Y
商业管理与经济学 Y
计算机科学与数学 Y
创意艺术 Y
经济学与数学 Y
工程学 Y Y Y
环境科学 Y
时尚管理 Y
人文科学 Y
医学 Y Y
科学 Y
社会科学 Y
体育 Y

BTEC Subjects Available*


* BTEC Programmes are only available at DLD College London

2024 Academic Results and University Destinations

2024 Abbey DLD Group of Colleges GCSE Results

Grade 9 (Equivalent A**) 9-8 年级 9-7 级(相当于 A*-A)。 9-6 级(相当于 A*-B) 9-5(相当于 A*-C)
所有学院平均 13% 25% 37% 51% 65%


2024 Abbey DLD Group of Colleges A-Level Results

A* A*-A A*-B A*-C Pass rate
所有学院平均 14% 38% 65% 83% 100%

2024 A-Level Students, Top 30 Ranked University Destinations

2025 Sunday Times League Table Ranking 大学 进步的学生人数
1 伦敦政治经济学院 4
2 圣安德鲁斯大学 2
3 牛津大学 2
4 剑桥大学 2
5 达勒姆大学 7
6 伦敦帝国学院 6
7 伦敦大学学院(UCL) 14
8 巴斯大学 7
9 华威大学 6
10 拉夫堡大学 2
11 布里斯托尔大学 3
12 兰卡斯特大学 3
14 谢菲尔德大学 1
17 爱丁堡大学 8
18 约克大学 3
19 南安普敦大学 1
21 萨里大学 2
23 利物浦大学 1
24 伦敦国王学院 13
25 雷丁大学 3
27 曼彻斯特大学 8
29 利兹大学 4
30 纽卡斯尔大学 2
30 诺丁汉大学 2


2024 Abbey DLD Group of Colleges International Foundation Programme Results 

Average Score (out 0f 100%)
All Colleges 67%


2024 International Foundation Programme Students, Top 50 Ranked UK University Destinations*

2025 Sunday Times League Table Ranking 大学 学生人数
8 巴斯大学 1
11 布里斯托尔大学 1
12 兰卡斯特大学 1
13 埃克塞特大学 2
14 谢菲尔德大学 1
17 约克大学 2
19 南安普敦大学 1
21 萨里大学 5
22 伯明翰大学 1
24 伦敦国王学院 5
24 雷丁大学 3
27 曼彻斯特大学 6
29 利兹大学 4
30 纽卡斯尔大学 2
30 诺丁汉大学 1
34 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院 3
35 阿斯顿大学 2
36 University of Dundee 1
38 University of Essex 1
39 Quuen Mary, University of London 11
42 诺丁汉特伦特大学 2
46 Manchester Metropolitan University 5
46 University of Essex 1
49 City, University of London 12



2024 Abbey DLD Group of Colleges BTEC Results

区别 殊荣 - 功绩
达标学生百分比  50% 100%


2024 BTEC Student Destinations

大学 课程
埃克塞特大学 具有工业经验的会计与金融
诺桑比亚大学 创业
伯恩茅斯大学 媒体制作
雷丁大学 消费者行为与营销
格林威治大学 体育与运动
伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院 商业与管理
诺丁汉大学 管理层
牛津布鲁克斯大学 活动管理
利物浦大学 法律与商业
威斯敏斯特大学 当代媒体实践


Discover more about each of our Colleges.

Read our Student Success Stories


Successful Students

We prepare students for success at university and beyond by helping them to develop into mature, independent, and curious learners in and out of the classrooms.

We offer a wider range of after-school and weekend clubs and activities, many of which are inclusive of tuition fees. Our three colleges work together, collaborate and share ideas to adopt best practice and benefit all of our students.

Vibrant Learning Communities

Each of our colleges a re diverse academic communities bound together by shared ambition and experience. Every year, we welcome students from around the world to study alongside British students. We respect and celebrate different cultures, whilst also helping our students to integrate in and understand British culture and values.

Our academic successes are founded on strong relationships. Students are on first name terms with their teachers, we have a dress code rather than a strict uniform. We encourage discussion, debate and questioning both in and out of class, and we do all this whilst maintaining a culture of focus, ambition and respect.

伦敦 DLD 学院大楼

In the Heart of the City

Our students are perfectly placed to take advantage of living in a great university
city. We organise regular trips and visits to the departments and facilities of worldleading
institutions such as UCL, University of Manchester, and Cambridge University, allowing our students to soak up the academic atmosphere and prepare for their future studies.

In boarding, comfort and safety are the priorities. We have invested heavily to provide our students with some of the best quality accommodation found anywhere in the UK. Live in-house parents provide 24/7 pastoral support and care, making sure that students are safe and supported, making friends, and keeping on track with their studies.

英国课堂上工作的女教师和学生Personalised Experience

Our teachers work closely with each student to create individual learning plans that achieve their academic and personal goals. Small class teaching means our students receive high quality bespoke teaching in every lesson, whilst regular academic check-ins ensure that all students are on track in their studies, with extra support available if needed.

We offer a widerange of course and subject options, ensuring students find the right course to achieve their academic goals.

We offer year 9, GCSE, A-Level, IFP, BTEC and Pre-Sessional programmes for students aged 13 – 21 years. Each student has access to a dedicated personal tutor who will help to guide them through the rigours of college life. Tutors also provide regular updates on academic progress to parents and guardians

Abbey DLD Student Receiving UCAS SupportPreparing for University

We take pride that many of our students progress onto top ranking universities in the UK and overseas and have dedicated University Tutors are on hand to guide students through the application process.

We recognise that good grades alone are not enough to get into the most competitive universities, so we offer specialist preparation programmes to help students stand out as exceptional candidates and maximise their chances of success.

We support our students to take-part in extracurricular competitions and challenges such as the British Mathematical Challenge, Cambridge Chemistry Challenge, and ISA National Art Competition. Participation enables students to showcase their skills and knowledge outside of the curriculum.



Beyond education, our service includes practical help with visas, social programmes to help you make friends and 24/7 care through House Parents and on-site Nurses.


完成注册后,我们将为您提供在英国开始新生活所需的一切准备。我们的 "抵达前信息包 "包含您在加入我们之前需要了解的所有信息:

  • 主要联系人
  • 学期日期和时间表
  • 我们会发送一份课前阅读清单和准备计划。我们的住宿团队将发送一份清单,列出他们(您/学生)需要带往英国的物品。

On Arrival

  • 我们提供机场接机服务
  • 我们带您参观新学院和新城市
  • 我们帮助您开立银行账户、注册医生和选择公共交通工具
  • 我们帮助您申请签证和向警方登记
  • 您将认识住在您宿舍的舍监和工作人员







*Please note that the UK Government has announced on 29th July it intends charging VAT on all independent education tuition and boarding fees from January 1st 2025. This means that the second and third term of this academic year for all independent education establishments in the UK will be subject to VAT. The college has to charge students for the total amount of VAT, but is working to establish the level of increased cost the college can absorb so as to keep the actual fees increase figure as low as possible. There will therefore be a revised invoice sent to you in December 24 which will include the confirmed VAT amount due on tuition and boarding fees for the second and third term.