

1 月 16 日 24

In the UK, students of senior school age (16 years of age or under on 1 September) are required to take part in at least one hour of physical activity each week through a timed club or PE lesson, in line with UK law for all students.

There are large British boarding schools in rural areas that have their own sports infrastructure – swimming pools and sports grounds. However, often usage can be limited, for example, visiting a swimming pool only under certain conditions.

Schools located in urban areas may not have all the facilities on site but they can freely offer a wide range of sports opportunities. For example, the central location of the Abbey DLD Group of Colleges in London, Cambridge and Manchester is an undeniable advantage as they each have access to modern local sports facilities making a multitude of sports possible in urban environments.  DLD College London even has its own on-site gym and swimming pool in the very heart of London!


Amongst the colleges, the following sports clubs are in operation: football, badminton, basketball, netball, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, golf, running, dancing. We mainly host football, badminton, netball and basketball matches against local schools.

Sports in our schools are represented but not to the detriment of basic activities. Successfully studying, especially in A-Level and GSCE programs, and combining intensive sports activities with this can be difficult for some students. Therefore, in our schools the main emphasis is on academic results, and there is a balanced extracurricular activity, one of the components of which is sports.


阿贝 DLD 学院集团

Abbey DLD 集团学院是著名的寄宿学校,为 13 至 21 岁的学生提供广泛的英国中学教育课程,包括九年级、GSCE、A-Level、BTEC、国际预科课程和学术英语课程。Abbey DLD 学院集团由位于伦敦、剑桥和曼彻斯特的三所独立学院组成。这些教育机构面向高中学生,为学生根据扩展课程进入大学做准备,并为获得大学入学所必需的高级中等教育证书考试做准备。

Abbey College Manchester Students Playing Basketball

Abbey DLD 集团学院自 1931 年开始运营,在全世界享有盛誉。在长达一个世纪的办学历史中,阿贝邓迪学院已成为高水平教育的标志、进入最好大学的基地和培养学生能力的地方。
